Werner Herzog, the great "friend of Peru"
The German director Werner Herzog was recognized by the Commission for the Promotion of Peruvian Exports and Tourism, PROMPERU, with the honor of "Friend of Peru", for his support on the positioning of the country through his film work.
The filmmaker is considered the founder of the New German cinema; his film work began in his twenties when he started writing, producing and directing several documentaries, short and medium-length films. Today, he has more than 60 productions as a director and 20 films as an actor and more than 30 as a screenwriter.
Herzog has a strong bond with our country, especially with the Peruvian Amazonia, which can be seen in two of his major productions: "Aguirre, the Wrath of God" (1972), stars in the title role of Spanish soldier Lope de Aguirre, who leads a group of conquistadores down the Amazon River in search of El Dorado; and "Fitzcarraldo" (1982). Both productions carve him out a working method that to this day entails him in a halo of legend. For this reason, he developed in 2018 in Puerto Maldonado a practical film workshop called "Filming in Peru with Werner Herzog", which was aimed at 48 young filmmakers from around the world, in which he highlighted the importance of Peru in the development of his film work.
"Friend of Peru", is the recognition for foreign people, opinion leaders, who publicly promote Peru or Peruvian inputs in their profession relevant to our culture, gastronomy, history, products, services and everything that our country is able to offer to the world.
Currently, national and international audiovisual productions that come to our country to shoot, have the support of PROMPERU, through Film In Peru. The institution hopes to position the country as an attractive destination for film locations; thanks to their promotion, new attractions and places, cities and regions are rediscovered and will be more visited, thus favoring the growth of the tourism sector.
Currently in the Film In Peru minisite, you can find a catalog of locations with important content from different destinations in our country. In addition, we will make an audiovisual catalog of Peruvian sites, which will provide dynamism to the content we show.